CMOS Design Layout and Simulation Software

Model No. ETLT008

MICROWIND,a truly integrated EDA software for IC designs , enables chip designers to design in an efficient manner. MICROWIND integrates generally separated front-end and back-end chip design into an integrated flow, speeding up the design cycle thereby reducing design complexities.It efficiently integrates mixed-signal implementation with digital implementation, circuit simulation, transistor-level extraction and verification  to help in developing the skills required for design positions in virtually every domain of IC industry.MICROWIND comprises of Adc - Dac,Adders, Amplifiers,Basic Gates,Capacitance,Counters,FPGA,Inductance,Interconnects,Inverter,IOs,Latches,Maths,Memory,Dynamic Ram,Eeprom,FRAM ,Rom,Static RAM,Mixers,MOS,Multiplexer,Multiplier,Oscillator,PLL,Power Amplifier,Sensor,SOI Technology.
91, Industrial Estate, Ambala Cantt - 133006, Haryana, INDIA
E:   w:   M: +91 94666 93111