Standard Tar Viscometer

Model No. OPTE006



Viscosity is the property of the fluid due to which it resists flow because of internal friction. The Tar Viscometer provides by us is utilized for knowing viscosity of cut - back bitumen and road oil. Viscosity is determined by observing the time taken by 50 cc of the material to flow from a cup through a specified orifice. It is suitable to operate on 220 V.50 Hz, AC single phase.


It consists of a chrome plated copper bath, with a drain valve and a central tube to receive the test cup and to position the stirrer, and is mounted on an adjustable stand. The apparatus consist of bath with cup of 10 mm or 4 mm orifice and sleeve stirrer with ball lifting clip and ball .An immersion heater is fitted to take the water to the required temperature and a drain valve. The temperature is controlled by energy regulator or voltage barrier.

91, Industrial Estate, Ambala Cantt - 133006, Haryana, INDIA
E:   w:   M: +91 94666 93111