Binder Extraction

Binder Extraction

Model HV-EXP1463
Centrifuge Bitumen Extractor used for recovery of binder material from bituminous mixture for quantitative analysis. Electrical System: Power : 220V/AC Capacity : 50Hz Phase : Single& Bowl: Type : removable Capacity : 3000gm Apparatus :&Explosion-proof features. It contains a proper drainage system Dimmerstat speed :&2400~3600 rpm Filter Paper : Qty. : 25 Filter Paper Discs civil lab equipments manufacturer Filter Ring :& Made : Low ash content (>0.2%) Qty. : 200 Nos. for each extractor Reagent :& Trichloroethylene (reagent/ technical - grade) Qty. : 20 Ltrs. chemicals for each extractor. Asphalt Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Asphalt Testing Lab suppliers

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