Single Cylinder Two Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig

Model AMEL001
IC engines are widely used in automobile, domestic and industrial sector. They are classified according to cycle, number of cylinders, arrangement of cylinders, fuel used, type of ignition, valve arrangement, cooling system. Test rigs are used to find out the performance of an IC engine. It consists of an IC Engine, dynamometer, fuel measuring, air intake measuring and various other arrangements. SCOPE OF EXPERIMENTATIONS: · To determine Brake Horse Power · To determine fuel consumption · To determine specific fuel consumption · To determine Brake Thermal Efficiency TECHNICAL DETAILS: · Type of Engine o Single cylinder, two stroke, air cooled, Hand start, self lubricating, petrol engine (BAJAJ- New) · Type of Loading o TD-101A Rope Brake Dynamometer § Rope Brake arrangement with the brake drum fitted on the engine shaft and provided spring balance. o TD-101B Electric Brake Dynamometer § The engine is coupled with electrical alternator with resistance loading arrangement. Digital voltmeter and digital ammeter is provided. · Fuel measuring system o Fuel measuring system consists of a fuel tank, a burette and a three way cock arrangement. · Air intake measuring system o Air tank fitted with orifice and water manometer. · Exhaust Gas Calorimeter o An Exhaust Gas Calorimeter, made of Stainless Steel is provided for calculating heat carried away by exhaust gas. The body of the calorimeter is insulated and thermometers are provided to measure the temperature of water and gas. · The whole setup is well designed and supported by a good quality painted rigid M.S. Structure |